In January 2020, teachers, school principals and mediators participated in the training that Terre des hommes Foundation organized within the MIȘTO AVILEAN! project (”Welcome”, in Romani). The theme of the training was the prevention of inclusion problems that migrating Roma children might face in schools in Romania or Europe.

This is a video where all participants, trainers and the organizers (Terre des hommes) answered to the question ”Why should we say Misto Avilean to Roma children in all schools?” The answers were not directed or censored and belong entirely to the participants. We would like the expressions or word combinations used by them not to be detached from the context, and to be understood in the context and in the spirit of the statements, event and the MISTO AVILEAN project.

The clip was produced following the training organised by Terre des hommes Foundation within the Programme for the “Teachers capacity building for inclusive, continuous and non-discriminatory education in schools attended by Roma children”, which was carried out on 9-11 of January 2020 in Bucharest, Romania. Terre des hommes Foundation is not responsible for the way the material is used by third parties. The project was financed by the European Union, Rights, Equality and Citizenship Fund (2014-2020).
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