The efforts of Terre des hommes Moldova to promote an active role of fathers in the family have been recognized internationally. The child rights protection organization has recently become an active member of the MenCare global fatherhood campaign, bringing Moldova to the list of over 50 partner countries of the campaign.

MenCare, launched in 2011, is a global campaign that promotes an active role of fathers in raising and educating children. The mission of the campaign is to promote men’s involvement as equitable, nonviolent fathers and caregivers in order to achieve family well-being, gender equality, and better health for mothers, fathers, and children. Campaign initiators aim for men to be allies in supporting women’s social and economic equality, in part by taking on more responsibility for childcare and domestic work.

An active and positive involvement of men in the life of their partners and children is beneficial to both mothers and children, and to fathers themselves. Active male participation in family life, as well as in raising and educating children, has a series of positive effects, such as reduction of violence against women and children, long-term benefits for physical and emotional development of children, a beneficial influence on the health and well-being of all family members, stronger relations between partners, and a better climate in the family in the whole.

Through its programs, Tdh Moldova promotes and supports gender equality and an active and positive engagement of fathers in children's lives.  In addition to trainings, learning materials and activities with children, parents and teachers, the organization carries out every year the campaign "Dad, Let's Play!", which draws attention to the undeniable role of fathers in the family and encourages their participation in raising children equally with mothers.

“It is an honour for us to be accepted as partners of the MenCare campaign and is a recognition of our efforts in promoting positive parenting and an active role of fathers in raising children. This partnership will give us the opportunity to learn from the experience of other countries with diverse social and cultural backgrounds”, says Anatolii Oprea, child protection and gender equality specialist at Tdh Moldova.

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