Have you always dreamt of doing humanitarian work, but never dared to take the plunge? Terre des hommes has launched its podcast 'The Field', which takes you on a journey through the realities of humanitarian and development aid. You will meet exceptional people committed to protecting children around the world. Open your ears and immerse yourself in the heart of our field programmes, along with journalist Xavier Colin.

Season 1 – 'The Covid-19 headlines have left many children forgotten'
Season one goes behind the Covid-19 headlines to explore how the pandemic is felt in the field – from reports of overcrowded refugee camps and detention centres, to inspiring stories and great innovations. Journalist Xavier Colin meets with our frontline workers and investigates the challenges currently faced by many disadvantaged children around the world.

Listen to the 1st episode 'The silent victims of Covid-19' on SpotifyBuzzsprout and Apple Podcasts or below. Frontline workers from Greece, Mali and Lebanon talk about the impact of Covid-19 on the children they work with and protect. 


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