Every 6-7th girl and every 10th boy are subject to some form of sexual abuse before the age of 18. Inconceivable numbers and facts. Just as 90 percent of sexual abuse is done by close acquaintances, two thirds by family members.

At a conference on crisis communication, Zsuzsanna Pócsné Berkesi, who had been sexually abused as a child for many years, spoke about her own traumatic experiences. It took her years to process the events.

Together with her husband, Balázs Pócs, they co-founded the website beszeljrola.hu, where persons who have been sexually abused during childhood can share their stories anonymously.

“Many parents reject their children when they hear such a story because they don't know what to do with the situation and the idea that what the child is saying the truth is really scary. They are almost unable to comprehend that the abuse has actually happened and that the perpetrator is a person they know and love. That is why many people decide to bury one’s head in the sand", says Zsuzsanna Pócsné Berkesi.

For the lives of many victims, the beszeljrola.hu website was the first medium where they could share their story, and it helped them to seek professional help in processing what happened to them.

András Szőke, a psychologist, has been dealing with victims of sexual assault for ten years, who say that the traumatized child should be treated intermittently and returned to therapy at various stages of development.

According to András Szőke, the  kind and quality of help the victim receives in Hungary is very random at the moment.

Therefore, this should definitely be changed in order to provide appropriate support for traumatized children.

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