Anna, Iva, Andre and Lana share their experiences regarding child safeguarding measures in child participation that are essential in city councils, schools, in case of traumatic experiences and in the digital world.

The Child Participation in Safeguarding Global Summit provided a platform for organisations and experts around the globe to share their expertise, best practice, resources, challenges and successful experiences on how children can take up their rightful role in making child safeguarding measures more effective and accountable. The Summit also introduced lessons learned in how to incorporate safeguarding into child participation initiatives no matter the type of organisation, sector or programme.

Child participation is not only the recognition of children’s entitlement and capacity to influence actions and decisions that affect him or her, as introduced by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), but a key component of any effective child safeguarding framework. Children and their carers have vital roles to play in designing child safeguarding measures, monitoring and evaluating them.

Watch the recording of the Eurochild's session (to go directly to the training, skip to 04:54):

Read more about our Child Participation work

Eurochild Children's Council gives Child Participation in Safeguarding training at Keeping Children Safe's Summit


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