The core functions of this study are to understand and provide a general baseline of the child protection practices and the social  service workforce skills, knowledge, and interests in child protection in order for it to serve as a foundation for strategies and interventions aiming to improve overall child protection mechanisms and services in Albania.
More specifically, findings from the study aim to:
• provide a basic overview of the education and training context in which child protection practices are delivered (i.e., systems in place for delivery of child protection services, related policies and frameworks, child protection education, and resource management)
• identify needs and opportunities for further professional development, training, and/ or capacity building to strengthen the child
protection workforce in the country.

In this light, the following report includes a comprehensive mapping of the social protection system and the professional and educational backgrounds of the social service workforce engaged in child protection activities.

Attachment Size
Baseline Study Albania (EN)1.67 MB 1.67 MB
Baseline Study Shqip (AL)2.32 MB 2.32 MB
Vrsti publikacije
Elona Dhembo#uid:1996
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