Online library - The purpose of this paper published by the Scottish Government is to achieve excellence and equity for all young people in a high-performing education system, so all young people can reach their full learning potential. The guidance comes with good…
Online library - This document describes the safeguarding and protection policy and procedures for the safety and protection of children in sport. The document was developed by the Terre des hommes Foundation, based on the International Standards for Children in Sport (created by…
Online library - Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a seriuos and widespread issue. Many victims do not disclose for decades and some never do at all: meaning children are suffering in silence and perpetrators are operating with impunity. The violation of a child, whether…
Online library - The Policy brief "JUST with children. Child-friendly justice for all children in Europe" was developed in response to the Consultation on the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child (2021-2024). It has been submitted to the European…
Online library - Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence against Children released a document about children previously affiliated with extremist groups. During the period of 2009-2017 almost 4.640 foreign children joined ISIS in…
Online library - In July, the European Commission released a communication to the European Parliament, the European Council and to the EESC (The European Economic and Social Committee) explaining the new EU strategy for a more effective fight against child sexual abuse. The…
Online library - This policy brief offers an overview of the effects that COVID-19 has and will have in the wellbeing of children. It is especially emphasized the inequal distribution of consequences, where the effects of pandemic will mostly affect children in poor countries which…
Online library - Childhood trauma is all events in a child’s life that cause seemingly unsurmountable distress for the individual and that the youth is unable to cope with. Trauma may happen at any time and can involve the individual directly or can be witnessed by…
Online library - The process of social inclusion of Roma communities at the European level is manifold and requires joint efforts of policymakers from all political spectrums. Although achievements have been made in the past years, Roma populations are still socially excluded in…
Online library - This is the submission of the Hungarian government to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, constituting their obligation under the Convention. This is the 6th such periodic report they have submitted.
Online library - Human trafficking is a challenging and alarming phenomenon and in the recent years Montenegro has been recognized as a country of origin, transit and destination for victims of trafficking. The need to take measures to prevent this phenomenon lead the Montenegro…
Online library -   Disability Assessment Reform in the Social Protection System was undertaken by MHSP supported by World Bank, aiming at providing a shift in the assessment paradigm from the medical to the bio-psycho-social approach. The pilot process has already started and…
Online library - O.C.I. and Others v. Romania (Application no. no. 49450/17) 21 May 2019 Following their vacation in Romania, the mother and her two children did not return to Italy to the father.…
Online library - According to UNESCO`s policy paper published this April the experience of refugees around the world having to leave their homes and country behind and depart on a dangerous journey to the unknown is a traumatic experience. Children are especially vulnerable in…
Online library - Kosovo Government has approved the Concept Document on Social and Family Services in the last meeting. The third option proposed by working group has been evaluated as the right one, which recommends drafting a new Draft Law to repeal Law No. 02/L-17 on Social and…
Online library - Municipal Regulation and Action Plan on Children’s Rights aims to put in the center of their attention and reinstate as a priority in their municipal governance agenda the issues dealing with and related to children. These documents provide the opportunity for…
Online library - Minister of Health and Social Protection in Albania has issued an order that approves the Standards of Service in the Multifunctional Community Centers and charges the respective government agencies to monitor and inspect the application of these standards in the…
Online library - The Council of the European Union adopted conclusions on the role of youth work in the context of migration and refugee matters.
Online library - “Trafficking in human beings is a human rights abuse. Compensation has a restorative, preventive and punitive function and is a crucial tool in combating human trafficking. Each trafficked person has the right to an effective remedy, including compensation; however…
Online library - Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe has produced a publication as a follow-up of the 17th Alliance against Trafficking in Persons conference and the recommendations formulated during the conference. The document is especially relevant for state-run…
Online library -   Service Standards for “Centers of crisis management for cases of sexual violence ” are a prerequisite for providing quality services, for licensing this service, for moniotring its control and evaluation, which can be provided in the future by public and non…
Online library - The Council of the European Union adopted a resolution on the Youth Strategy 2019-2027.
Online library -   In October 3d, 2018 the Albanian Council of Ministers has approved the new Procedures on Refering and Managing of Cases, Designing and Follow up of the Individual Protection Plan, financial means for its implementation and implementation of the protection…
Online library - In the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia no. 80/2018 a new Rulebook on additional education, health and social support of the child, a pupil and adult was published. This Rulebook regulates the detailed requirements for assessing the needs for providing…
Online library - National Network for Children reported about the document "Child Violence in Bulgaria: Analysis and Assessment of National Legislation on Prevention, Recognition, Reporting, Response and Intervention by Institutions for Children Victims of Violence in Bulgaria"…
Online library - The code was developed during 2017 and approved by AMA at the end of 2017. It contains important sections on the rights of children and people with disability (section 5 and 6)
Online library - The Terre des hommes-Moldova concept paper “The child who commits criminal acts being under the age of criminal liability: premises for regulating its status” examines the current way of regulating the protection of a child who has committed a criminal offense and…
Online library -   The code of Juvenile justice/Law no 37 was approved by the Albanian Parliament on the 30th of March 2017. The Juvenile Justice Code contains special provisions regarding juvenile delinquency, procedural rules regarding the investigation, prosecution,…
Online library - ChildPact and the Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia, MODS, have launched cross-comparison study between the Child Protection Index results and the European Union’s progress report for Serbia. This report highlights several actions that Serbia needs to…
Online library - The European Commission developed a set of recommendations for Member States on how to make returns of migrants more effective.