3D is the horrendous story of three different destinies, that end up meeting in a place of despair, of suffering, in a place where nobody would ever want to reach. In a selfish world where people only see their own interests, every choice is crucial because it can have consequences for life. The three girls come together and get rid of this situation while learning useful lessons for all of us: a decision can determine a destiny! Read their story and you ask yourself: My decisions leads me to a fulfilled destiny ? If not, change your direction ...

Dana, Deea and Debora were victims of trafficking. Each comes from a different social environment, fooled, attracted by various methods. They can not control the situation at home, poverty, parental neglect or abuse. But they could have been warned that the day they would get a job offer, they could have refused. Decisions taken then, lacking of wisdom, made them fall into the trap. Perhaps their fate would have been different if someone would have warned about these risks ... This book is for all girls like Dana, Deea and Debora, for girls that still have part of their childhood, innocence, beautiful dreams  as they are protected and have a different destiny than of our heroines.

You can download both the book and other materials here (available only in Romanian): http://www.cartea3d.ro/

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