Online library - In our latest report, (In)visible Children - Eurochild 2022 report on children in need across Europe, together with our members we urge governments and decision-makers to support the most vulnerable children and prevent widening inequalities. This report…
Online library - Child Abuse in Sport: European Statistics (CASES) is a research study that was based on the CASES project that sought to provide high-level data on the frequency of “abuse, interpersonal violence, and maltreatment” suffered by children engaged in organized sport…
News - Germany: number of crime cases involving child sexual abuse images almost double in first half of 2021 Current state of affairs: The head of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) Münch spoke of a “significant increase”, with as many cases from January to July 2021 as…
News - Sustainable mobility initiatives need the engagement of young people. That is the key finding of the European Mobility Week's workshop. European Mobility Week is an awareness-raising campaign for sustainable urban mobility, such as active mobility, public transport, and…
News - Germany: although no vaccine has been developed and approved for children under the age of 12, manufacturers BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna are working towards it Context BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna started to conduct studies on younger children between 6…
Online library - A new report finds that 33% of European countries can prosecute children above the age of criminal responsibility for offences committed while under the age of criminal responsibility. A new report, developed by Terre des hommes, in close…
News - Germany: German state authorities to block access to major pornographic site over child safety concerns Age-checks for certain websites due to child saftey concerns: Germany’s Commission fort he Protection of Minors in the Media (Kommission für…
News - Germany: concerns rising for needed measures against COVID-19 for the upcoming school year this autumn. With no vaccine for children under age 12, multiple initiatives launched to further protect children. Context: Straightforward decision announced by…
News - The article gives information about the existence of prejudice toward Roma people and the role of famous politicians for solving this problem. One of these politicians is Angela Merkel who recently received the Sinti and Roma civic prize after Simone Veil and Andrej Kiska.…
News - In Germany, children's school performance is strongly connected with their parents' socio-economic status; children from more advantaged backgrounds perform better than their peers. These children also have better chances to attend university. The…
News - This news is about the study dedicated to exploring the role of autonomy-supportive parental behavior in better adaptation, better child well-being, creating a better positive emotional climate during the COVID-19 pandemic.   As the technique, autonomy-based parenting…
News - German politicians and statisticians categorized foreigners living in Germany and their descendants as "people with a migration background" or "migration background" if they or at least one parent were not born with German citizenship. To…
News - The ongoing danger of children being exposed to online perpetrators has increased during COVID-related lockdowns. Children who spend more time on the internet and lack supervision are more likely to become victims, says Catherine De Bolle,…
News - The written submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child deals with how Germany complies with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Especially the submission focused on the problems and recommendations in the…
News - The National Coalition Germany , a national partner network of Eurochild, teamed up with its German members UNICEF, Save the Children, Terre des Hommes, World Vision, SOS-Kinderdorf and War Child to present the Joint Position Paper on a Comprehensive Child Rights Strategy…
News - Sinti and Roma should be banned from city centres. According to a recent study on authoritarianism, 49.2% of Germans agree with this statement. Moreover, more than 60 per cent of respondents said they believe these minority groups are predisposed to criminality. No wonder…
News - The biggest concern that states around the world are addressing is the question of whether or not it is safe to open schools in September. Many have made their decision, but others are still in limbo with little time left. The German public international…
Multimedia - The MitMachMusik Project in Berlin, is an educational enterprise which aims to introduce children with a migration background to musical education and encourage consolidation by involving also local children in Berlin, navigates the Corona Crisis. A downside during the…
News - 'The global health emergency has not stopped the departures, shipwrecks, captures and the human rights violations in the Libyan hell.'  — Tweet from an Italian charity On 5 April, the rescue ship, Alan Kurdi, departed…
News - Germany makes measles vaccination mandatory; parents fined if they violate new legalisation. From March 2020 parents and caregivers will have to demonstrate that their children have been vaccinated before they can go to kindergarten/daycare  or…
News - Although there are fewer and fewer refugees, misconceptions, such as labelling all asylum seekers as ‘illegal immigrants’ and fear of the pull effect, keep the debate on asylum and migration heated, and make beneficial proposals almost impossible. While some claim that…
News - Projekt Maramures is accused of using German teens for slave labour, rather than providing them with ‘re-education’, all at a huge cost to the state. The project's managers deny all claims of abuse and exploitation. Five individuals were arrested last week in Romania on…
News - Implementation of European youth policy in Germany from 2019 With the beginning of the new EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 and the German Presidency of the European Council in the second semester of 2020, the possibilities for the implementation of European youth policies in…
News - A study published by the Paritaetische Gesamtverband association of social movements has found that Germany’s poverty rate remains at a record high, despite steady economic growth and a decrease in unemployment rates in recent years.  According to the association,…
News - A study published by the Federal Forum for Men shows that young male refugees in Germany have difficulties to start their new live – the trauma of surviving the war and persecution, media portraying them as violent, and mental health issues that emerge as a result…
News - There are still 884 refugee children under the age of 13, and 2,300 young people aged 14-17 who are missing in Germany reports Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (NOZ) citing Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA). According to them this number is higher now than in the summer of…
News - Only a small fraction of refuges in Germany seeks psychological help, but even for those who do it is very difficult to get it. The anchor center for asylum seekers in Bavaria has an innovative clinic for mental health called SoulTalk, a result of cooperation between Doctors…
Online library - “Trafficking in human beings is a human rights abuse. Compensation has a restorative, preventive and punitive function and is a crucial tool in combating human trafficking. Each trafficked person has the right to an effective remedy, including compensation; however…
Online library - Good cooperation between all relevant stakeholders at national level is essential to ensure adequate access to protection and support for victims of trafficking, the same goes for claiming compensation. As human trafficking often relates to a cross border crime,…
Event - The Global Conference on Children on the Move will provide a space for diverse stakeholders – including representatives from governments, civil society, multilateral institutions and the private sector – to discuss and advocate for a strong global strategy on protecting the…